How Your Painting Business Can Profit and Thrive…Even in the New Normal.
What started me out doing group seminars back in 2014 (first one had 70+ people) to in 2015 doing physical Workshops around the country from Hobart to Darwin (and everywhere in between), then moving to online webinars and coaching since 2016 – it’s time to raise the bar again…
Taking this to the ‘Next Level’ we have now created a new online Workshop & Mastermind, where smart painting business owners can learn, connect and walk away with a ‘roadmap’ of where they are now and what to focus on next…And take advantage of Opportunities Most People are Missing Right Now.
As far as we know this is the first time a Live Online Workshop / Mastermind has been created and done specifically for Painting Business Owners.
And with travel restrictions and social distancing still in place, supporting Painters like you around the country with an
Online Workshop/Mastermind just
makes sense.
So you can continue to learn, improve and Work ‘On’ your business without the expense and lost time of traveling during these uncertain times.
Over the years we’ve heard the same questions from business owners…
Not Another Me Too Webinar…
Having done dozens and dozens of live coaching sessions over the last 5+ years it makes perfect sense to raise the bar again.
This workshop won’t be just me talking to you…
We’ve put together Workbooks and Handouts for us to work through together because the Ultimate Outcome is to Improve Your Business!
Sure there’s going to be some super relevant content every painting business owner should be aware of but it’ll be interactive, workshop-style with a dedicated Q&A session at the end.
If you walk away feeling great about the Workshop, that's ok, but walking away with a Roadmap of Where You Are and What You’re Going to Do Next is Much Better!!
I ask this question at every seminar that I do…Why did you start your business…?
For me there were 3 reasons why I decided to build my painting business and they might be the same for you…
For more Money, Time and Meaning (something I enjoy doing)
But Ultimately it was for Freedom.
Here’s What I’ll Be Sharing…
During the Workshop there will also be the opportunity to work on your business and get hands on, real world strategies to help you identify roadblocks and move through them.
Don’t Miss Out on the Opportunity to Position Yourself and Your Business for the New Normal…
I wish I could work with a hundred people at a time, but sorry I can’t. I still run a painting business and have 6 kids at home currently ‘home schooling’ because of the covid situation, so wasting time with adults that cannot make a decision is not my cup of tea.
If you are committed to having more Money, Time and Meaning in your business, I look forward to answering any questions you may have and seeing you at Australia’s First Live Painters Online Workshop / Mastermind.
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