Painting Business Vlog

Your Biggest Asset in 2025: Your Attention

What I see as the thing that must be protected in 2025 is “Our Attention”!

In a super fast paced world where there are so many distractions pulling us in all directions.

Your ability to Focus on Intention will significantly determine your ability to achieve your outcomes.

The problem is that we are out number by the amount of distractions vying for our attention.

I noticed that at the end of 2023 that “Busyness” is a distraction from Having the things we want, Doing what we want and Becoming the person we want to be.

However, I constantly hear ‘I’m so busy’, ‘it’s great to be busy’ or ‘I’m too busy’.

Too busy to actually be working on the things that energise you.

We mistakenly see ‘Busyness’ as the outcome.

It is Not.

I’m telling you point blank that ‘IT IS’ another form of distraction.

Focusing on Intention used to be enough.

How do I know this…

I’ve been writing, tracking and documenting about this for a while now.

Everyday for the last 418 days, I have started my day with this task.

Set Intention.

Because I know that if I don’t, my day will will get sucked into the vortex of distractions that pull me away from my core beliefs and from what I really want.

And if I’m relentlessly setting my intention, focus everyday and catching myself getting sucked into the vortex…

With this level of discipline…

I must be missing something.

What has been working alongside this is Eliminating the noise and things that are the distractions.

Because Focus is easier when we remove or eliminate distractions.

NOT by Working Harder!

Working harder without first eliminating distractions and focusing on intention is the fastest way to speed up the ‘hamster wheel’ you’re currently running on.

Or stay stuck in a loop that has no end.

The perpetual ‘work harder’ loop.

The 3 Steps to Break Through In 2025, success comes down to these three steps:

1. Eliminate Distractions - Cut through the noise to make space for what truly matters.

2. Get Better - Focus on progress over perfection and commit to daily growth.

3. Raise Your Standards - Demand more from yourself and your business.

Because that’s how you build real success.

I shared this yesterday with my “Integrated” clients.

Here’s the Plan:

In January, I’m opening the doors to help you implement these steps and fast-track your results.

There are three levels of access depending on where you are now and how fast you want to go.

If you’re ready to leave “busyness of 2024” behind and make 2025 the year you take back your time and results.

Hit me up, I'll get you the details.

To Your Success,

Tas Moulis
The Integrated Tradie™

(02) 9160 0144