

The Best Investment I Have Made

What is the #1 asset in your painting business?

I know there are a lot of conversations that revolve here and they are all correct.

But, there's one thing I want you to know in reality that your even your business can't outgrow

How To Keep Long Term Clients?

I’m not sure if you’ve thought about this, however, a question popped up in our office last week and I thought would be a really good idea to share.

A question…

What are we consistently doing to keep our long-term clients?

Testimonials Are Your Best Friend

Testimonials are the “social proof” of your business and one of the most powerful tools any business owner can use. Customers are savvy these days when it comes to finding the right business for them.

Do You Have A Client Database?

With a client database, you could easily find the reasons why they bought from you, who are the best types of clients, and where did they come from?

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